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ID du produit 7200-70911-125
La description Polycom RealPresence 'eyeless' EduCart 500 Includes: Group 500-720p codec (no camera), rmt, MicArray, 1-55" display, 4" 2-way powered monitor speaker system, cable bundle & mtce in CALA. (Camera, Pwr Cord, & Maintenance Required and ordered separately)
Groupe de produits
Liste des prix 18500.00
Titre du produit Polycom RealPresence EduCart 500 - Video conferencing kit (7200-70911-125)
Série d'identification 7200-70911-125
Unspsc None
Nom de fichier de l'image
Présentation du produit Educational institutions and corporate training departments need to bring remote students, experts and locations into the classroom. The Polycom RealPresence EduCart 500 solution is a flexible, movable videoconferencing solution that brings educators, experts, students or locations into the classroom no matter where they are located.
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