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MSOFTX3000 (MGCF) V200R012
NO` Numéro d'article Modèle La description Prix
1 03057345 KWA0USIA702 Universal Service Interface
2 03057344 KWAD0USIA102 Universal Service Interface
3 02312NHW KWAM000OMU18 Operation Maintenance Unit (1+1 backup)
4 02312NJA KWAM000SPU21 Service Processing Unit (1+1 backup)
5 02352TJL KWAMBASCFG21 Base Configuration for System(1 Cabinet)
6 88060115 KWASNSASRF61 MSOFTX3000 Transit voice standard package SW Subscription and Support, 2 Year (per Erl)
7 88060116 KWASNSASRF62 MSOFTX3000 Transit voice standard package SW Subscription and Support, 3 Year (per Erl)
8 88060117 KWASNSASRF63 MSOFTX3000 Transit voice standard package SW Subscription and Support, 4 Year (per Erl)
9 88060118 KWASNSASRF64 MSOFTX3000 Transit voice standard package SW Subscription and Support, 5 Year (per Erl)
10 88060131 KWASNSASRF77 MSOFTX3000 IP interworking G/T Site value package SW Subscription and Support, 2 Year (per Erl)
11 88060132 KWASNSASRF78 MSOFTX3000 IP interworking G/T Site value package SW Subscription and Support, 3 Year (per Erl)
12 88060133 KWASNSASRF79 MSOFTX3000 IP interworking G/T Site value package SW Subscription and Support, 4 Year (per Erl)
13 88060134 KWASNSASRF80 MSOFTX3000 IP interworking G/T Site value package SW Subscription and Support, 5 Year (per Erl)
14 88033GJP KWASUPGRAD73 MSOFTX3000 Gateway & Transit Voice Standard Package(per Erl)
15 88033EUD KWASUPGRAD81 MSOFTX3000 Gateway & Transit Voice Standard Package SW Subscription and Support, 1 Year (per Erl)
16 88033GJV KWASUPGRAD82 MSOFTX3000 IP interworking G/T Site value package(per Erl)
17 88033GLK KWASUPGRAD92 MSOFTX3000 IP interworking G/T Site value package SW Subscription and Support, 1 Year (per Erl)
18 02353KBA PS0MSWITCH01 L3 Ethernet Switch
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