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#Non Produit La description Liste des prix (USD) Notre prix   Citation
6001 AA507936 VLA VMWARE BASIC SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT. $1,126.90         Citation
6002 AA714347 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT F. $1,126.73         Citation
6003 AC230457 DTA VMWARE VSPHERE 7 ENTERPRISE PLUS FO. $1,126.45         Citation
6004 A7071215 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 5 ESS P. $1,124.00         Citation
6005 A7492186 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 5 ESSEN. $1,124.00         Citation
6006 A7662094 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 5 ESSEN. $1,124.00         Citation
6007 A7662248 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 5 ESSEN. $1,124.00         Citation
6008 A8407487 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIAL. $1,124.00         Citation
6009 A8474107 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIAL. $1,124.00         Citation
6010 A9899770 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIAL. $1,124.00         Citation
6011 AA154793 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIAL. $1,124.00         Citation
6012 AA176878 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 5 ESS P. $1,124.00         Citation
6013 AA264687 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIAL. $1,124.00         Citation
6014 AA275134 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIAL. $1,124.00         Citation
6015 AA331967 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIAL. $1,124.00         Citation
6016 AA382733 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 5 ESS P. $1,124.00         Citation
6017 AA463786 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIAL. $1,124.00         Citation
6018 AA523374 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIAL. $1,124.00         Citation
6019 AA579340 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIAL. $1,124.00         Citation
6020 AA622571 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 5 ESS P. $1,124.00         Citation
6021 AA657737 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 5 ESS P. $1,124.00         Citation
6022 AB571256 VLA VMWARE VSPHERE 7 ROBO ENTERPRISE PL. $11,235.00         Citation
6023 AA307497 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT F. $1,122.52         Citation
6024 AA743402 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 STD F. $1,121.05         Citation
6025 A8745420 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE ADV ACC. $1,121.00         Citation
6026 A9946679 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,120.08         Citation
6027 AB060627 VLA VMWARE SUBSCRIPTION ONLY VSPHERE ES. $112.04         Citation
6028 AA967372 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,119.69         Citation
6029 AA671646 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,116.73         Citation
6030 AA895957 DTA VMWARE VSPHERE 6 ENT PLUS 1 PROC PR. $1,116.51         Citation
6031 AA672824 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,116.31         Citation
6032 AA014427 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 5 ESS P. $1,114.89         Citation
6033 AA411117 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT F. $1,113.37         Citation
6034 AA538747 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,111.60         Citation
6035 AB076971 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,111.08         Citation
6036 AA523769 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,111.07         Citation
6037 A9930702 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,111.04         Citation
6038 AA687328 VLA VMWARE SUBSCRIPTION VSPHERE 6 ESSEN. $111.72         Citation
6039 AA712949 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 STD F. $1,108.82         Citation
6040 AB401278 DTA VMWARE VSPHERE 7 ENT PLUS 1 PROCES. $1,108.36         Citation
6041 A9878924 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT F. $1,107.06         Citation
6042 AA826847 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,106.76         Citation
6043 AA065775 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 STD F. $1,106.70         Citation
6044 AA657659 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 5 ESS P. $1,105.98         Citation
6045 AA957275 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,105.95         Citation
6046 AA034679 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 REMOTE OF. $1,105.48         Citation
6047 AC189181 DTA VMWARE US FED VSPHERE 7 ENT PLUS 1. $1,103.43         Citation
6048 AA110738 VLA VMWARE BASIC SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT. $1,103.26         Citation
6049 A9781756 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,102.01         Citation
6050 A9758159 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE STOR AP. $1,100.52         Citation
6051 AA947189 VLA VMWARE SUBSCRIPTION VSPHERE 5 ESSEN. $11.56         Citation
6052 AC278820 DTA VMWARE VSPHERE 7 ENTERPRISE PLUS F/. $1,099.52         Citation
6053 A9826476 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,099.09         Citation
6054 A9607210 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6055 A9607645 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6056 A9764057 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6057 A9766619 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6058 A9779920 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6059 A9790084 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6060 A9794191 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6061 A9799207 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6062 A9805876 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6063 A9829790 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6064 A9836307 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6065 A9855716 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6066 A9875098 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6067 A9900970 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6068 A9923705 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6069 A9937624 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6070 A9974540 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6071 A9974743 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6072 AA017604 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6073 AA034907 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6074 AA136727 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6075 AA071946 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6076 AA011427 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6077 A9862794 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6078 AB567864 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6079 AB567868 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,099.00         Citation
6080 AA794202 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 STD F. $1,098.80         Citation
6081 AA093647 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,098.75         Citation
6082 AA094977 VLA VMWARE PROD SNS VSPHERE 6 WITH OPER. $1,098.75         Citation
6083 AA397975 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,098.57         Citation
6084 AA397989 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,098.57         Citation
6085 AA803788 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,098.50         Citation
6086 AA200717 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,096.69         Citation
6087 AA227832 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 STD F. $1,096.47         Citation
6088 AA667439 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,096.04         Citation
6089 AA667813 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,096.04         Citation
6090 AB095402 DTA VMWARE U.S. FED VMWARE VSPHERE 7 ST. $1,095.00         Citation
6091 AB112908 DTA VMWARE VSPHERE 7 STANDARD 1 PROCESS. $1,095.00         Citation
6092 AC207855 DTA VMWARE VSPHERE 7 STANDARD FOR 1 PRO. $1,095.00         Citation
6093 AC235531 DTA VMWARE VSPHERE 7 STANDARD FOR 1 PRO. $1,095.00         Citation
6094 AC257884 DTA VMWARE FOX VSPHERE 7 STANDARD FOR 1. $1,095.00         Citation
6095 AC260293 DTA VMWARE US FEDERAL VSPHERE 7 STANDAR. $1,095.00         Citation
6096 AC307477 DTA VMWARE VSPHERE 8 STD FOR 1 PRCSR DR. $1,095.00         Citation
6097 AA172100 VLA VMWARE PROD SUP/SUB VSPHERE 6 ENT P. $1,094.78         Citation
6098 AB318993 DL VMWARE CNVONE VMWARE VSPHERE 7 STAN. $1,094.50         Citation
6099 AB361794 DL VMWARE VSPHERE 7 STANDARD FOR 1 PROC. $1,094.50         Citation
6100 AA549728 VLA VMWARE UPG VSPHERE 6 ENT TO VSPHERE. $1,093.87         Citation
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