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1 OmniVista 3600 Air Manager Software suite for a single server managing up to 100 devices (controllers. wireless access points. switches. etc.). Includes OmniVista 3600 core platform. visualization and mapping software module (VisualRF). and Rogue detection software module (RAPIDS). $8,995.00  Get Discount
2 OmniVista 3600 Air Manager Software suite for a single server managing up to 2500 devices (controllers. wireless access points. switches. etc.).Includes OmniVista 3600 core platform. visualization and mapping software module (VisualRF). and Rogue detection software module (RAPIDS). $84,995.00  Get Discount
3 Emergency Notification Server - Core functionality includes silent monitoring. recording. optional conferencing. and multi-vector notifications (PC notifier. email. SMS. mini-message) to designated internal personnel and outbound emergency call tracking.Excludes SMS message credit. Includes Redhat Enterprise Server 6.. $7,340.00  Get Discount
4 OmniVista 3600 Air Manager Software suite for a single server managing up to 50 devices (controllers. wireless access points. switches. etc.). Includes OmniVista 3600 core platform. visualization and mapping software module (VisualRF). and Rogue detection software module (RAPIDS). $4,995.00  Get Discount
5 OmniVista 3600 Air Manager Software suite for a single server managing up to 1000 devices (controllers. wireless access points. switches. etc.). Includes OmniVista 3600 core platform. visualization and mapping software module (VisualRF). and Rogue detection software module (RAPIDS). $36,995.00  Get Discount
6 OmniVista 3600 Air Manager Software suite for a single server managing up to 25 devices (controllers. wireless access points. switches. etc.). Includes OmniVista 3600 core platform. visualization and mapping software module (VisualRF). and Rogue detection software module (RAPIDS). $2,750.00  Get Discount
7 OmniVista 3600 Air Manager Software suite for a single server managing up to 500 devices (controllers. wireless access points. switches. etc.). Includes OmniVista 3600 core platform. visualization and mapping software module (VisualRF). and Rogue detection software module (RAPIDS). $27,495.00  Get Discount
8 OmniVista 3600 Air Manager Software suite for a single server managing up to 200 devices (controllers. wireless access points. switches. etc.). Includes OmniVista 3600 core platform. visualization and mapping software module (VisualRF). and Rogue detection software module (RAPIDS). $14,995.00  Get Discount
9 Emergency Notification Server - Maintenance contract on Specific Development for Core Application - Yearly Maintenance contract. . $1,101.00  Get Discount
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