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VBP V800R011
NO. Part Number Model Description Price
1 31180BVJ CR5I0DOCENVC HUAWEI NE40E&VBP SA Service Documentation
2 31180BPC IG2I0DOCENVA HUAWEI VBP V800R011C10 Product Documentation
3 02312SQW IG2M2280V201 High Performance Policy Management and Data Processing Unit-AC
4 02312TET IG2M2280V202 High Performance Policy Management and Data Processing Unit-DC
5 88036FLF IG2S00DCHS01 Data Cluster HA Software
6 88036CWP IG2S00DPAS02 Data Processing and Analysis Basic Function Software
7 88036CWN IG2S00DPMS01 Data Processing and Management Operating System, 1 Year 7*24 Service
8 88036BNQ IG2S00FPSS01 FDR Pre-processing and Storage (1K Subscribers)
9 88060UMK IG2S00FPSS02 FDR Pre-processing and Storage 1 Year Subscription and Support(1K Subscribers)
10 88036BNR IG2S00FPSS03 FDR Pre-processing and Storage (1G Traffic)
11 88060UMR IG2S00FPSS04 FDR Pre-processing and Storage 1 Year Subscription and Support(1G Traffic)
12 31180BVK ME0I8EDOCE01 HUAWEI ME60&VBP SA Service Documentation
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