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Safe City - Video Site Planning Service
NO. Part Number Model Description Price
1 8814089724 8814089724 Requirement Research and Model Design
2 8814089725 8814089725 Existing Site Assessment
3 8814089726 8814089726 Video Site Planning
4 8814089727 8814089727 Effect Simulation
5 8814089741 8814089741 Requirement Research and Model Design(1-500 site)-pcs
6 8814089742 8814089742 Requirement Research and Model Design(500-1000 site)-pcs
7 8814089743 8814089743 Requirement Research and Model Design(1000-5000 site)-pcs
8 8814089744 8814089744 Requirement Research and Model Design(>5000 site)-pcs
9 8814089745 8814089745 Existing Site Assessment(1-500 site)-per site
10 8814089746 8814089746 Existing Site Assessment(500-1000 site)-per site
11 8814089747 8814089747 Existing Site Assessment(1000-5000 site)-per site
12 8814089750 8814089750 Video Site Planning(500-1000 site)-per site
13 8814089751 8814089751 Video Site Planning(1000-5000 site)-per site
14 8814089752 8814089752 Video Site Planning(>5000 site)-per site
15 8814089753 8814089753 Effect Simulation(1-500 site)-per site
16 8814089754 8814089754 Effect Simulation(500-1000 site)-per site
17 8814089755 8814089755 Effect Simulation(1000-5000 site)-per site
18 8814089756 8814089756 Effect Simulation(>5000 site)-per site
19 8814089757 8814089757 Video Site Planning(1-500 site)-per site
20 8814089758 8814089758 Existing Site Assessment(>5000 site)-per site
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