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Application Platform Service
NO. Part Number Model Description Price
1 88600627 PAASROAOM001 Application Operation Management for HCS - Basic Package (500 vCPUs) - Yearly
2 88600628 PAASROAOM002 Application Operation Management for HCS - Incremental Package (200 vCPUs) - Yearly
3 88600634 PAASROAPM001 Application Performance Management for HCS - Small-Capacity (200 probes) - Yearly
4 88600635 PAASROAPM002 Application Performance Management for HCS - Medium-Capacity (1000 probes) - Yearly
5 88600636 PAASROAPM003 Application Performance Management for HCS - Large-Capacity (2000 probes) - Yearly
6 88601220 PAASROCON000 ROMA Connect for HCS - Lite (25 connections) - Yearly
7 88600631 PAASROCON001 ROMA Connect for HC - Small-Capacity (80 connections) - Yearly
8 88600632 PAASROCON002 ROMA Connect for HCS - Medium-Capacity (200 connections) - Yearly
9 88600633 PAASROCON003 ROMA Connect for HCS - Large-Capacity (800 connections) - Yearly
10 88600637 PAASRODCS001 Distributed Cache Service for HCS - Cluster (GB/replica) - Yearly
11 88600638 PAASRODCS002 Distributed Cache Service for HCS - Active/Standby (GB/replica) - Yearly
12 88600629 PAASROFAC001 ROMA Factory for HCS - Small-Capacity (500 vCPUs) - Yearly
13 88600630 PAASROFAC002 ROMA Factory for HCS - Incremental Package for Small-Capacity (200 vCPUs) - Yearly
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