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Servicio de diseño e implementación de planificación de videovigilancia (series IVS3000)
Número Numero de parte Modelo Descripción Precio
1 8814087301 8814087301 Video Surveillance (IVS3000 Serials) Planning Design and Implementation Service
2 8814089827 8814089827 Site Quantity
3 8814089828 8814089828 Cabinet Quantity
4 8814089829 8814089829 IVS3000 Serials Node Quantity
5 8814089830 8814089830 Behavior Analysis Concurrent Channels Quantity<=50
6 8814089831 8814089831 Behavior Analysis Concurrent Channels Quantity>50
7 8814089832 8814089832 video-based facial recognition Channels Quantity<=50
8 8814089833 8814089833 video-based facial recognition Channels Quantity>50
9 8814089834 8814089834 Vehicle recognition Channels Quantity<=50
10 8814089835 8814089835 Vehicle recognition Channels Quantity>50
11 8814089836 8814089836 personal feature recognition Channels Quantity<=50
12 8814089837 8814089837 personal feature recognition Channels Quantity>50
13 8814089838 8814089838 System Integration
14 8814089839 8814089839 Expert Support for Factory
15 8814089840 8814089840 Access Services for Cameras Site
16 8814090106 8814090106 pedestrian and vehicle data structuring Channels Quantity <=50
17 8814090107 8814090107 pedestrian and vehicle data structuring Channels Quantity >50
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