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Network Cloud Engine-T SnS
Número Numero de parte Modelo Descripción Precio
1 88060YQN NCECOMMIIMSS21 Basic Function Package for OTN Intelligent Incident Management (Per 50 Equivalent Nes),1 Year Subscription and Support
2 88060YQP NCECOMMIIMSS22 Basic Function Package for OTN Intelligent Incident Management (Per 50 Equivalent Nes),3 Year Subscription and Support
3 88060SKG NCESANALYSS41 Optical Health Assurance Function Package (Per 50 Equivalent Nes),1 Year Subscription and Support
4 88061HGU NSSSBODBCS101 BOD/BC Function Package ( Per 1 equivalent Ne),1 Year Subscription and Support
5 88061HHD NSSSBODBCS103 BOD/BC Function Package ( Per 1 equivalent Ne),3 Year Subscription and Support
6 88061HLA NSSSHEALTHS101 Health Assurance Function Package for Optical Network(Per 1 Equivalent Ne),1 Year Subscription and Support
7 88061HLD NSSSHEALTHS103 Health Assurance Function Package for Optical Network(Per 1 equivalent Ne),3 Year Subscription and Support
8 88061HLF NSSSHEALTHS502 Health Assurance Function Package for Optical Network(Per 5 Equivalent Nes),1 Year Subscription and Support
9 88061HLH NSSSHEALTHS503 Health Assurance Function Package for Optical Network(Per 5 Equivalent Nes),3 Year Subscription and Support
10 88061HGV NSSSLATENCYS101 Latency Map Function Package( Per 1 equivalent Ne),1 Year Subscription and Support
11 88061HHE NSSSLATENCYS103 Latency Map Function Package( Per 1 equivalent Ne),3 Year Subscription and Support
12 88061HGL NSSSMARINES501 Basic Function Package for Optical Domain MARINE Management (Per 5 Equivalent Nes),1 Year Subscription and Support
13 88061HGN NSSSMARINES503 Basic Function Package for Optical Domain MARINE Management (Per 5 Equivalent Nes),3 Year Subscription and Support
14 88061HGX NSSSMULATES101 Fault simulation Function package( Per 1 equivalent Ne),1 Year Subscription and Support
15 88061HHG NSSSMULATES103 Fault simulation Function package( Per 1 equivalent Ne),3 Year Subscription and Support
16 88061HGM NSSSMULATES502 Fault simulation Function package( Per 5 Equivalent Nes), 1 Year Subscription and Supporterpetual License
17 88061HGP NSSSMULATES503 Fault simulation Function package( Per 5 Equivalent Nes),3 Year Subscription and Supporterpetual License
18 88061HKY NSSSMULTIS101 Multi-dimensional Visualization Function Package for Optical Network(Per 1 equivalent Ne),1 Year Subscription and Support
19 88061HLC NSSSMULTIS103 Multi-dimensional Visualization Function Package for Optical Network(Per 1 equivalent Ne),3 Year Subscription and Support
20 88061HGS NSSSNMSTPS101 Basic Function Package for Optical Domain MSTP Device Management( Per 1 equivalent Ne),1 Year Subscription and Support
21 88061HHB NSSSNMSTPS103 Basic Function Package for Optical Domain MSTP Device Management( Per 1 equivalent Ne),3 Year Subscription and Support
22 88061HGQ NSSSNORTHS101 Basic Northbound Interface for Manager(Includes SNMP, CORBA, XML, etc.),Per 1 equivalent Ne,1 Year Subscription and Support
23 88061HGR NSSSNORTHS102 Value-added open APIs (Includes REST, Kafka, etc.), Per 1 equivalent Ne,1 Year Subscription and Support
24 88061HGY NSSSNORTHS103 Basic Northbound Interface for Manager(Includes SNMP, CORBA, XML, etc.),Per 1 equivalent Ne,3 Year Subscription and Support
25 88061HHA NSSSNORTHS104 Value-added open APIs (Includes REST, Kafka, etc.), Per 1 equivalent Ne,3 Year Subscription and Support
26 88061HGT NSSSNOTNS101 Basic Function Package for Optical Domain OTN Device Management( Per 1 equivalent Ne),1 Year Subscription and Support
27 88061HHC NSSSNOTNS103 Basic Function Package for Optical Domain OTN Device Management( Per 1 equivalent Ne),3 Year Subscription and Support
28 88061HGW NSSSOVPNS101 OVPN Function Package( Per 1 equivalent Ne),1 Year Subscription and Support
29 88061HHF NSSSOVPNS103 OVPN Function Package( Per 1 equivalent Ne),3 Year Subscription and Support
30 88061HLB NSSSSLAS101 Optical Private Line SLA Analysis Function Package(Per 1 equivalent Ne),1 Year Subscription and Support
31 88061HLE NSSSSLAS103 Optical Private Line SLA Analysis Function Package(Per 1 equivalent Ne),3 Year Subscription and Support
32 88061HLG NSSSSLAS502 Optical Private Line SLA Analysis Function Package(Per 5 Equivalent Nes), 1 Year Subscription and Support
33 88061HLJ NSSSSLAS503 Optical Private Line SLA Analysis Function Package(Per 5 Equivalent Nes), 3 Year Subscription and Support
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