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Network Cloud Engine-FAN Lite V100R019
Número Numero de parte Modelo Descripción Precio
1 88036QGA NSSSEANACP0A Access Network Auto Configuration Package (per Equivalence NEs), Perpetual License
2 88061JHF NSSSEANACP0B Access Network Auto Configuration Package (per Equivalence NEs),1 Year Subscription and Support
3 88061JHG NSSSEANACP0C Access Network Auto Configuration Package (per Equivalence NEs), 3 Year Subscription and Support
4 88036NRX NSSSEANMBP0A Access Network Management Basic Package (per Equivalence), Perpetual License
5 88061HJU NSSSEANMBP0B Access Network Management Basic Package (per Equivalence), 1 Year Subscription and Support
6 88061HJV NSSSEANMBP0C Access Network Management Basic Package (per Equivalence), 3 Year Subscription and Support
7 88036NRW NSSSEFANAPI1 NCE-FAN Unified Northbound API Suite (per Equivalence), Perpetual License
8 88061HJS NSSSEFANAPI2 NCE-FAN Unified Northbound API Suite (per Equivalence), 1 Year Subscription and Support
9 88061HJT NSSSEFANAPI3 NCE-FAN Unified Northbound API Suite (per Equivalence), 3 Years Subscription and Support
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