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FusionSphere DBS SnS
Número Numero de parte Modelo Descripción Precio
1 88060AQM FH0SRDSDBS13 DBS Manager(for Oracle) Subscription Service,per Year,per Physical CPU Core
2 88060AQJ FH0SRDSDBS17 DBS Manager(for MySQL/SQL Server/PostgreSQL) Subscription Service(0-1000VCPU),per Year,per VCPU
3 88060PYX FI0S65SNSK00 DBS Manager(for Oracle),Subscription and Support,Per Physical CPU Core
4 88060PYW FI0S65SNSK01 DBS Manager(for MySQL/SQL Server/PostgreSQL),Subscription and Support(0-1000VCPU),Per VCPU
5 88066973 FI0SW0DBS015 DBS Manager(for MySQL/SQL Server/PostgreSQL),1 Year Subscription and Support(0-1000VCPU),Per VCPU
6 88066974 FI0SW0DBS016 DBS Manager(for MySQL/SQL Server/PostgreSQL),2 Years Subscription and Support(0-1000VCPU),Per VCPU
7 88066975 FI0SW0DBS017 DBS Manager(for MySQL/SQL Server/PostgreSQL),3 Years Subscription and Support(0-1000VCPU),Per VCPU
8 88069001 FI0SW0DBS019 DBS Manager(for Oracle),1 Year Subscription and Support,Per Physical CPU Core
9 88069002 FI0SW0DBS020 DBS Manager(for Oracle),2 Years Subscription and Support,Per Physical CPU Core
10 88069003 FI0SW0DBS021 DBS Manager(for Oracle),3 Years Subscription and Support,Per Physical CPU Core
11 88060TMY FS0S651HCM31 DBS Manager(for MySQL/SQL Server/PostgreSQL),1 Year Subscription and Support(1001-VCPU),Per VCPU
12 88060TNA FS0S651HCM32 DBS Manager(for MySQL/SQL Server/PostgreSQL),2 Years Subscription and Support(1001-VCPU),Per VCPU
13 88060TNB FS0S651HCM33 DBS Manager(for MySQL/SQL Server/PostgreSQL),3 Years Subscription and Support(1001-VCPU),Per VCPU
14 88060TNC FS0S651HCM34 DBS Manager(for MySQL/SQL Server/PostgreSQL),Subscription and Support(1001-VCPU),Per VCPU
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