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Servicio de diseño y planificación de redes de acceso
Número Numero de parte Modelo Descripción Precio
1 8814152869 8814152869 Access Network_Network Planning_Network Requirment Analysis/NE
2 8814152870 8814152870 Access Network Design-Requirement Analysis and Detailed Design-High-End/NE
3 8814152871 8814152871 Access Network Design-Requirement Analysis and Detailed Design-Mid End/NE
4 8814152872 8814152872 Access Network Design-Requirement Analysis and Detailed design-Low end/NE
5 8814152873 8814152873 Access network - Hardware installation - Installing Services_High end/NE
6 8814152874 8814152874 Access network - Hardware installation - Installing Services_Mid end/NE
7 8814152875 8814152875 Access network - Hardware installation - Installing Services_Low end/NE
8 8814152876 8814152876 Access network - Hardware installation - Installing Services_Box/NE
9 8814152877 8814152877 Access network - Hardware installation - Installing Services_Terminal/NE
10 8814152878 8814152878 Access network - System joint commissioning - Integration implementation_High end/NE
11 8814152879 8814152879 Access network - System joint commissioning - Integration implementation_Mid end/NE
12 8814152880 8814152880 Access network - System joint commissioning - Integration implementation_Low end/NE
13 8814152881 8814152881 Access network - System joint commissioning - Integration implementation_Box/NE
14 8814152882 8814152882 Access network - System joint commissioning - Integration implementation_Terminal/NE
15 8814152883 8814152883 Access network - Service acceptance - Test acceptance_High end/NE
16 8814152884 8814152884 Access network - Service acceptance - Test acceptance_Mid end/NE
17 8814152885 8814152885 Access network - Service acceptance - Test acceptance_Low end/NE
18 8814152886 8814152886 Access network - Meter leasing - Instrument/One device for one day
19 8814152887 8814152887 Access network - Hardware installation - Installing Services_Board/PCS
20 8814152888 8814152888 Access network - Software commissioning - Integration implementation_Board/PCS
21 8814152889 8814152889 Access network - Hardware installation - Installing Supervision_Board/PCS
22 8814152890 8814152890 Access network - Hardware installation - Commissioning Supervision_Board/PCS
23 8814152891 8814152891 Access network - Hardware installation - Installing Supervision_Board/PCS
24 8814152892 8814152892 Access network - Hardware installation - Commissioning Supervision_Box/NE
25 8814152893 8814152893 Access network - Hardware installation - Commissioning Supervision_Terminal/NE
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