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Licencias de la serie IPS H3C SecPath
Número Modelo Descripción Precio
1 LIS-T1000A-SA-1Y H3C SecPath T1000-A,IPS, Anti-Virus Subscription license-1 year $7850.00
2 LIS-T1000C-SA-1Y H3C SecPath T1000-C,IPS, Anti-Virus Subscription license-1 year $3620.00
3 LIS-T1000S-SA-1Y H3C SecPath T1000-S,IPS, Anti-Virus Subscription license-1 year $4250.00
4 LIS-T1020-IPS-1Y H3C SecPath T1020,IPS Subscription license,1-year $1280.00
5 LIS-T1020-IPS-3Y H3C SecPath T1020,IPS Subscription license,3-year $3200.00
6 LIS-T1030-IPS-1Y H3C SecPath T1030,IPS Subscription license,1-year $1580.00
7 LIS-T1030-IPS-3Y H3C SecPath T1030,IPS Subscription license,3-year $3950.00
8 LIS-T1050-IPS-1Y H3C SecPath T1050,IPS Subscription license,1-year $1980.00
9 LIS-T1050-IPS-3Y H3C SecPath T1050,IPS Subscription license,3-year $4950.00
10 LIS-T1060-80-IPS-1Y H3C SecPath T1060-80,IPS Subscription license,1-year $3280.00
11 LIS-T1060-80-IPS-3Y H3C SecPath T1060-80,IPS Subscription license,3-year $8200.00
12 LIS-T200A-SA-1Y H3C SecPath T200-A,IPS, Anti-Virus Subscription license-1 year $2850.00
13 LIS-T200M-SA-1Y H3C SecPath T200-M,IPS, Anti-Virus Subscription license-1 year $1750.00
14 LIS-T200S-SA-1Y H3C SecPath T200-S,IPS, Anti-Virus Subscription license-1 year $1100.00
15 LIS-T5000-IPS-1Y H3C SecPath T5000,IPS Subscription license,1-year $0.00
16 LIS-T5000-IPS-3Y H3C SecPath T5000,IPS Subscription license,3-year $0.00
17 NS-LIS-T5000S-SA-1Y H3C SecPath T5000-S3,IPS, Anti-Virus Subscription license-1 year $11000.00
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