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Descripción del producto SNTC-8X5XNBD ASA 5512-X/5515-X In
Categoría de servicio N/A
Precio global en USD $720.00
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Asia-pac Price in USD List Price: $989.96 Our Price: $890.96 (10% off)
US Price in USD List Price: $720.00 Our Price: Get Discount
EMERGING Price in USD List Price: $827.96 Our Price: $827.96 (0% off)
LTAM Price in USD List Price: $1010.57 Our Price: $909.51 (10% off)
EMEA Price in USD List Price: $827.96 Our Price: $827.96 (0% off)
Cantidad mínima N/A
Cantidad máxima N/A
Duración N/A
Orderability BOTH
Identificador de artículo N/A
Programa de servicio SMART NET TOTAL CARE
Categoría Base Discount Name N/A
Fecha de finalización de venta
Herramienta de búsqueda de servicios SMARTnet
Titulo del producto Cisco SMARTnet extended service agreement
Identificación serial CON-SNT-ASASFA
Unspsc None
Nombre de archivo
Descripción del producto When a problem occurs that can disrupt business continuity, IT departments are under intense pressure to resolve the issue as quickly as possible before it can affect the business. Cisco SMARTnet Service facilitates rapid resolution of critical network issues and improves operational efficiency through a combination of expert technical support; flexible hardware coverage; and smart, personalized capabilities.When a network problem is affecting business-critical systems, you want fast access to technology experts with experience in diagnosing the toughest problems. Cisco SMARTnet Service connects you directly to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC), staffed by Cisco professionals certified in a broad range of Cisco technologies. The Cisco TAC employs a sophisticated system that automatically routes your service request to the appropriate team and escalates your case to the next level of support if it is not resolved within a specified time frame.
Parámetros tecnológicos None
CategoriesSMARTnet HW replacement without engineer
Cisco Service CodeSNT
HW replacement with engineerNo
With IPSNo
Hardware ReplacementYes
Hardware InstalledNo (Delivery only)
Hardware SLA8x5xNBD
Cisco TAC SupportYes (24x7)
Software AccessYes resourcesExtended access
IPS Signatures (as available)No
Minor UpgradesNo
Major UpgradesNo
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