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CON-3SWP1 para productos de la serie ASR5KSW
Número Modelo Descripción Precio
1 CON-3SWP1-AS00DP17 SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR5500 Initial Sys SW. Rel 17. Per UDPC10 $212625.00
2 CON-3SWP1-AS1219K9 SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTASR5500 Sys S/WDPC Release 18 ATT Only10 $296250.00
3 CON-3SWP1-AS12R193 SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-StarOS 19.3 LMA Feature. ATT Only10 $450000.00
4 CON-3SWP1-AS5K0EWE SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTMultimedia Priority Servifea Set 1K Ses10 $750.00
5 CON-3SWP1-AS5K12SG SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTStarOS 20.1ax vSAEGW Non3GPP Feat ATT 10 $2250000.00
6 CON-3SWP1-ASR04MPL SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-MPLS. Per 10K Sessions. KDDI Only10 $22500.00
7 CON-3SWP1-ASR04WSU SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR 5500 Initial Sys SW.UDPC. KDDI Only10 $212625.00
8 CON-3SWP1-ASR0B1VP SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-EPDG Value Plus Bundle. 1K Sessions10 $3264.00
9 CON-3SWP1-ASR503ST SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTADCL Bun (ADC SNI TD 1K Ses Sprint 10 $2250.00
10 CON-3SWP1-ASR50FRH SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTHomee NodeB GW (HeNBGW). 1K HeNB. X210 $1500.00
11 CON-3SWP1-ASR50S21 SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTASR5500 StarOS Release 21 Sys SW.UDPC10 $63750.00
12 CON-3SWP1-ASR50SGN SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-MME QCI When Movingfr 3G LTE. per NW10 $450000.00
13 CON-3SWP1-ASR50SP2 SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTASR5500 StarOS Release 21 Sys SW.UDPC210 $75750.00
14 CON-3SWP1-ASR50W1P SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-SecGW IPsec Encryption. 1K Sessions10 $1350.00
15 CON-3SWP1-ASR510AF SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTGGSN/PGW OpAdv Feat 10k Ses TelOly10 $202500.00
16 CON-3SWP1-ASR519DN SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR5500 ext Release SW OptLFeat KDDI Oly10 $243750.00
17 CON-3SWP1-ASR51MF0 SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTSGSN/MME OpAdv Feat 10k Ses TelOly10 $150000.00
18 CON-3SWP1-ASR51VLE SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTEPC Gw VoLTE Enhancem 1K Sess KDDI Only10 $1125.00
19 CON-3SWP1-ASR520UP SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR5500 Future Rel SW Opt Feat KDDI Oly10 $12375.00
20 CON-3SWP1-ASR5504U SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTFlow Aware Pket AccelerASR5500U Sys KDDI10 $750000.00
21 CON-3SWP1-ASR550D2 SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTASR5500 StarOS Release 21 Sys SW.UDPC210 $75750.00
22 CON-3SWP1-ASR550P5 SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTASR5500 Initial Sys SW Release 21UDPC210 $241500.00
23 CON-3SWP1-ASR550WR SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTASR5500 StarOS Release 21 Sys SW.UDPC10 $63750.00
24 CON-3SWP1-ASR554DP SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR5500 StarOS Rl18 Sys SW UDPC KDDI Oly10 $63750.00
25 CON-3SWP1-ASR554SD SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR5500 StarOS Rl20 Sys SW UDPC KDDI Oly10 $63750.00
26 CON-3SWP1-ASR559PC SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR5500 StarOS Rl19 Sys SW UDPC KDDI Oly10 $63750.00
27 CON-3SWP1-ASR55CS5 SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR 5500 StarOS ReL17 SySW UDPC KDDI Oly10 $63750.00
28 CON-3SWP1-ASR55RWI SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR5500 Initial Sys SW. Rel 21. Per UDPC10 $212625.00
29 CON-3SWP1-ASR5FY3G SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTSCGW 1K 3G Ent Metro/Small Cell L Pack10 $192300.00
30 CON-3SWP1-ASR5GF1Y SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTAnnual Subs FeeGeneric Feat TMO Only10 $10000005.00
31 CON-3SWP1-ASR5K01T SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-SecGW TLS. 1K Sessions10 $1350.00
32 CON-3SWP1-ASR5K05M SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-PGW M2M/IoT. 4G Only. 10KSes. VzW Only10 $1650.00
34 CON-3SWP1-ASR5K1AF SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTEPDG Optional Adv feas 1K Ses Telenor 10 $4893.00
35 CON-3SWP1-ASR5K2FS SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR5000 ASR5500 Sys S/W Rel 20.0 VzW Oly10 $7005000.00
36 CON-3SWP1-ASR5KBER SW SUPT ENH 3YDIST-Cause IE ControLin DBReqChassisKDDI Oly10 $75000.00
37 CON-3SWP1-ASR5KGGX SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-L7 Rules With HTTP URLs Over Gx. 1KSes10 $1875.00
38 CON-3SWP1-ASR5KHUX SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTHomee NodeB Gateway (HeNBGW) 1K Sess X210 $1050.00
39 CON-3SWP1-ASR5KLMA SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) per 10KSes10 $22500.00
40 CON-3SWP1-ASR5KSRS SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-SGSN EC-GSM Support. per System10 $225000.00
41 CON-3SWP1-ASR5KXR1 SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-StarOS 19.3 vSAEGWNon-3GPP feasATT Onl10 $1800000.00
42 CON-3SWP1-ASR5LGWS SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTMME Limed GWs SupPtSys Free Mobile Only10 $225000.00
43 CON-3SWP1-ASR5PC18 SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR5500 Initial Sys SW. Rel 18. Per UDPC10 $212625.00
44 CON-3SWP1-ASR5PWXN SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTNewcall PoLy Stale Sess Nwk Wide KDDI ly10 $468750.00
45 CON-3SWP1-ASR5S21C SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTASR5500 Initial Sys SW. Rel 21. Per UDPC10 $212625.00
46 CON-3SWP1-CASCAA9C SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTPCONAI Support in PGWCDR. NetworkWide10 $546000.00
47 CON-3SWP1-DASD003D SW SUPT ENH 3YRDIST-SLg Handling Rogue E911 Devs per NWK10 $450000.00
49 CON-3SWP1-FASF005F SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTMME HSS FasterLocationReport SupportSys10 $225000.00
50 CON-3SWP1-HASH008H SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTLMA Dynamic Nwk Mobile RoutingChassis10 $1350000.00
51 CON-3SWP1-IASI006I SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTDHCP PD Prefixvia Local PoolNwrkWide10 $750000.00
52 CON-3SWP1-JASJ009J SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTMME SGW Blacklisting Support per System10 $450000.00
53 CON-3SWP1-KASK008K SW SUPT ENH 3YDIST-Country-Bsd LI Context SegregationNwk10 $1500000.00
54 CON-3SWP1-SR5K0EDH SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTDHCPv6 PD Prefix IPv6 IntID Rad1K Ses10 $750.00
55 CON-3SWP1-VASV004V SW SUPT ENH 3YDISTMME Incl IMEI SLR LTE EmerAtta After Fai10 $450000.00
56 CON-3SWP1-ZASZ008Z SW SUPT ENH 3YRDISTIMSIMgr Scaling on ASR5K.Sys. MTS Only10 $187500.00
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